Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Surgery Cancelled. Is it too early for wine?

31 For 21 Challenge: Day 28

Just to let you all know we just walked in the door to our house. It has been another crazy day today. Just wanted to let you all know that Wysdom's surgery has been cancelled. We left at 7:30am this morning all packed for several days and drove an hour and a bit and when we got there the surgeon told us that it was cancelled. He said that the hospital is over flowing and there are absolutely no beds. There is an OR spot but no where to put him!! We are being rescheduled for later next month. So frustrated!

Anyways we bumped into our cardiologist and he did a whole work up on Wysdom and then sent us home with this contraption that is called DCG or Dynamic Electrocardiography which will stay on Wysdom for 24 hours and then we have to drive back tomorrow and drop it off. It has about 4-6 leads that stick on his chest then he is wrapped in tape and has a mesh shirt put on him. I will take some pictures later, now I just need to gather myself and relax for a bit.

Thanks for all the support and prayers. We truly do appreciate it. Even though today is crazy it's still worth it because we love this little man so much!!!


SunflowerStories said...

Oh man! What a roller coaster! Sorry for the delay, hope next time goes more smoothly. Keeping W in my prayers.

Tausha said...

Oh my gosh, I am so sorry. I know how frustrating that can be. I remember going to Primary Childrens for a check up at the Down Syndrome Clinic and they said we had the wrong day and I was soooooo mad and it was just a check up. I hate that I get so nervous and worked up the day before to have nothing done or happen. I am so sorry. Hopefully next time will be better.

RK said...

Wow, I would be way frustrated as well! I was just checking in to see how things were going so far... seems like a long time to wait, another 3 or 4 weeks, is it? Sorry for the unexpected delay!

Michelle said...

oh how frustrating! I can't believe they couldn't tell you that before you left for the hospital!

datri said...

Oh, I'm so sorry to hear this! How frustrating and what an emotional roller coaster. Big cyberhugs.

Laurie said...

Oh my gosh! That is just too FRUSTRATING!!! Ugh!! Im so sorry, Sasha...I hope you've had a glass (or 2) of wine by now!

Kim Rees said...

So sorry to hear that things didn't go as planned. I would be frustrated too especially if I got everything packed up and ready to go. I know you were looking forward to getting rid of that old Ng tube. Best of luck and hopefully all will go well next month. God Bless.

Stephanie said...

So sorry to hear things didn't go as planned. I can't believe they couldn't have told you before you left! How frustrating!

Tina said...

Gosh how frustrating for you, you must have been so eager to get this over and done with and now you have to wait another month! Anyway remember everything happens for a reason and perhaps its just going to be a better time to get it done plus this way you know you'll be having Wysdom with you over Halloween and you guys can all celebrate it together at home.

ds.mama said...

That. Totally. Stinks.

Yeah, a glass of wine is in order.

Azaria's Mom said...

Sasha... I didn't even know that Wysdom was having surgery!!! :( I really have to keep up with you and your blog everyday!! lol... I'm glad to hear they were able to re-schedule you, though. With the hospital being flooded with people bringing their children in because of the flu, it's better you keep away from that environment!!