Well to all of you who have your child where an oxygen monitor at night...I don't know how you do it? We had to have Wysdom wear one last night and that was an ordeal to say the least. For the first two hours it was okay. The monitor did not make any noise and just lit up. Since we were just doing this for a test night, I didn't want to touch and change anything.
However then Wysdom started to get fussy and kind of wake up. Once he saw and felt that on his finger he threw if off, pulled it off, shook it off. You name it. We were only trying to get 4 hours for the study. But that was pretty difficult to do. I could not image having to do this every night, unless there is some other type of device.
We handed the box in today and are just waiting for the results. I think that we will have a sleep study in the future. I am actually thinking that his issue might be some sleep apnea and reflux.
What are your nights like? Do you experience trouble with the nights? How does it effect your schedule?